Monday, 28 January 2008

Thirty score and six days ago...

The 27th January 2007 was something of a turning point for me... Standing as I was at the time under the seas of Southwest Arm (which at the time was unoccupied with build on and auto-return off) I constructed my first hair - Zoe. Who was to know where I would be a year from then. I certainly never expected to get into the business.. but the more I built, the more obvious it became that that's the direction I was to head. It's been a ride, that's for sure...

But as Bob Dylan himself once sang, 'The times they are a changing...' and looking around the store now I see things that are grating. I've improved no end... my hair textures aren't great... there are colours missing from the range the vvendors are big and clunky... and at 60 prims a pop, unwieldy. The shop has been outgrown and needs a redesign... So I'm announcing that there will be NO MORE WORK on new lines, while I address issues with the layout as it stands currently.

and work really does continue apace...

The first style to undergo refitting for launch, Sakura, is now set to clone... (I chose this one as it's relatively simple... well now it is... it was 208 prims, but has been downgraded to 67... and it looks better for it...) other will require rescripting and retinting, which will follow in good time.

Plans for tonight include the reworking of Tori, and if time allows Evangeline.

Alice has taken on the brunt of the architectural work, as is her wont... and she has created a new vendor for me... 72 colours, in 46 prims... including demo, fatpacks and "everything pack"... which is sweet... want to see? well here it is...

Thanks to Iskar, I now have a system that allows me to clone named hairs in one go... which is a GREAT relief and timesaver... so recloning everything ought not to take as long as before...

Basically, I'll be sure to let people know closer to time... but right now, it's all change.

Watch this space...

Until next time,


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