Thursday, 28 July 2011

Slowly twisting in the wind...

UPDATE: These two styles are now live, as of 4.10am SLT, Thursday 28th July...

Two more launching before the end of the week - Aura and Delora...

What differs about the former - Delora - from work done before is that it isn't braided - it marks the first of a series of prim twists I hope to launch shortly - this was a prototype that I threw together for testing purposes, but those who saw it said I should put it up for sale... so I am!

Aura, by contrast, is an extension on the Arianrhod base much as Silva was to Jordan in '08-'09.

Hope you like - and out by the weekend...

Until next time,


Thursday, 14 July 2011

Another job to add to the pile...

Another release for you to have a look at - this is Arianrhod - a set of tight scalp hugging braids with an open ponytail...

In other news, it does seem that the images in the blog are indeed shot... I'll fix as soon as I can face it...

Until next time,


Sunday, 10 July 2011

Slight technical hitch...

I've been performing a little background tidying and switching to a new primary Email address. I've changed a few blog associations as a result and it appears that images are not behaving the way they ought to be.

If this persists I'll re-upload those going back a year or so in due course - prior to that I'm afraid might prove difficult as well as time consuming.

I'm hoping that things settle down, but I guess we'll have to see.

In the meatime, here's a pic of something new I've been working on since Hair Fair - basically I got bored and thought I'd prototype some glasses...

More news in the not too distant future, I'm sure...

Until next time,


Friday, 1 July 2011

It's here... Hair Fair 2011

Yes - it's that time of year once more. So without further ado - the reveal:

Lola - based loosely on Lulu from Final Fantasy X - A set of flexible braids on our new Urchin hairbase

Charlie - a ponytail with braided sides and floppy front - a softer variant on Stampede. Intended to be male, but works well on the girls - to the point that its the one I've been wearing for weeks :$

The original Urchin style that gave rise to the rest - Lotta is a short-ish, braided pony in the style of our old Laetitia do. This one, like the others, incorporates a few flexi braids for added life

Lilith - longer and fuller than Lotta - with the falls on the chest attach so that they don't spend their lives clipping through your shoulders. Really happy with this one, although a little disappointed that the animation of the pec attach points doesn't seem to allow hair to be mounted to it and still move with the body reliably... oh well... I'll keep trying... (sorry Jeela!)

In the words of Monty Python - And now for something completely different. Yes - this is inspired by Michelle Laine's headdress from the Katy Perry ET video. Somebody had to, and since it's braided, who better than me? Skin and face gems available from Nuuna's. She put it together especially for me - Thanks girl - you rock! :))

Discord Designs can be found on the Osmium sim (Hair Fair 4). Best way to find us, land anywhere and head South West. We're the last booth you hit before landing up in the water...

Doors open to the public on the 2nd of July, and demos going out to the -dDx- subscribeo and Hair Fair Demo group later today.

See you at Hair Fair!
