Monday 2 July 2007

Forthcoming attractions... those other hairstyles!

Righty... these are a collection of the other styles that are cued up for short-term release. A bit of a mishmash these ones, but as you can see, Ryoko's now included... I have to confess I'm rather self-critical about it, but the pilot versions have gotten some praise... as such, it's release is brought forward. In fact, I've reworked the base a little to tighten up the intersection and distribution of the flexis at the back to neaten it up a tad; have resized it to the three -dD- release sizes, and am in the process of cloning and retinting...

Thanks to the help of the ever-wonderful Iskar Ariantho, I've got the tools I need to crank out a rapid deployment... so it could be up within the next 24-48 hours. As such, when it is, I'll fling out another blog post! The ponytails are shown here en-masse, as they shouldn't take too long to collate and release (Thanks again Iskar!) Samurai has also been started... George? We'll see... there's a lot of work to do with respect to scripting it to clone (only means dropping 160-odd copies of the same script - one into each hair prim)... but it'll happen...

Ah yes... Thanks also to Alice Hoyer, who I should have mentioned in the last post for her modelling work on Eowyn... the grey really suits you, girl; and sorry I forgot... All the others? Well... they're me... :D

Anyway... enough waffling on from me... photos... enjoy!

Well... until next time, when I promise to bring you Joss and Kitsune,


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